The Bad Idea Factory 2013

Last year, in an attempt to open our minds to what a 20% Project could be, we took part in The Bad Idea Factory. Here's the original post.

Since then, I've been sharing TBIF with other teachers, and others have found it to be a useful activity including Karl Lindgren-Streicher. This week was TBIF week for York 10th graders again. Here is a sample of some of their worst ideas.

Help! Johnny Circled Me in Google Plus

Like many other schools, we have a firm social network policy that prohibits teachers from accepting Facebook friend requests from students. I get it. The notion of teachers and students being Facebook friends makes most people uncomfortable. If one of my students sends me a request, I reject it until he graduates. The notion of teachers and students being Facebook friends makes most people uncomfortable.
Naturally, when teachers get a similar notification in Google Plus, they also may feel that same uncomfortable impulse. However, there is no “reject” button when G+ notifies us that a student has added us to his circles. So what does it mean? It depends on how you use Google Plus.

I have a Google+ account but I never post anything

Poor Google+, most people don’t use it very much. If you’re not in the habit of posting articles, photos, or status updates to Google+, welcome to the very large I-don’t-use-Google-Plus club. If you’re a member, you have NOTHING to worry about. Your student who circled you sees nothing because you post nothing. End of story. Ignore the notification.

I post photos and other things to my Google+ circles

One of the features of Google+ is circles. You can have your “teacher” circle, your “spin class” circle, and your “wine book group” circle. Google+ allows you to focus your posts to match your diverse groups of friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. As long as you don’t post publicly or put Johnny in one of your circles, he will not see the posts you submit. Likewise, you will not see his posts in your Google+ feed. Again, you can safely ignore the notification that he circled you.

I post to Google+ publicly

If you’re like me, you post things to Google+ publicly for the world to see. I do the same thing on Twitter and Facebook. No, I’m not an over-sharer (I don’t think). I have a personal policy not to post anything on social networking sites that I don’t want the world to see. Part of this policy is that I don’t trust Facebook. The other part is that I don’t trust my Facebook friends. Private posts on Facebook can easily become public thanks to a bonehead “friend” from high school. I post publicly on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus mostly because I’m always happy to expand my PLC, and public posts help me connect with more teachers, which means I learn more.
Back to the original issue. If you post publicly on Google+, then yes, anyone who puts you in a “circle” can see your public posts. But so can EVERYONE else. The only difference is that your posts will show up in their feed. I still don’t see this situation as anything different than having a public presence on the web (a good idea) and inviting the world to see it.

The Sticky Situation of Circling Students

This situation gets a little weird when you, as a teacher, start including students in your circles. I can imagine many great reasons to circle groups of students. Teachers can share documents, links, and other resources with classes using circles. However, the G+ Circle relationship between students and teachers starts to look very much like the Facebook Friend relationship. Like I said, this relationship is strange to many. I don’t go there.

Not logical, emotional

Most people have a narrow view of what Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ does. According to many, Twitter is for talking about your annoying breakfast (I had tasty fresh eggs thanks to my hens), Facebook is for seeing what happened to your high school friends (the dorks are winning), and Google Plus is for … umm.
The truth is, all of these social networks are simply communication tools. To me, they’re tools that fix the broken system of email, and the sooner we embrace them, the better. Google Plus’s killer app is HANGOUTS!
Until the world accepts these tools for what they are, teachers should use them carefully (and I believe publicly). But when Johnny “circles” you, you can safely ignore that notification.

Beyond Flipping: Interactive Flipped Instruction with YouTube Annotations

group notes

Flipping the classroom is great. Flipping with interactive videos is even better.

Here's a video. Written instructions below. 

You will need your favorite screencasting software. If you're using a Mac, Quicktime works. Both Macs and PCs can use TechSmith's software, Snagit. There is a 30-day free trial. 

An iPad is NOT going to cut it for this session. You CAN use a Chromebook if you're willing to use Hangouts On Air to record your screen.

Instructions for creating an interactive YouTube video for more engaging flipped instructional videos.  
  1. Decide what you want to teach.
  2. Make some slides to create the visuals of the video.
  3. Make sure the slides feature at least one multiple choice question to test audience retention. The following slide should show the answer.
  4. Record your screen with your voice narrating. After introducing the questions, give at least three seconds pause before moving on to the next slide. The answer slide should congratulate the student for answering correctly.
  5. Upload that video to YouTube.
  6. Create another YouTube video that tells them that they are wrong. Give them a slide that says, "Click here to review and try again."
  7. Go to the "add annotation" screen.
  8. Add an annotation for each of the possible answers in your question. The annotation belongs in the BEGINNING of the three seconds of silence. 
  9. Each annotation should be a "link."
  10. The "correct" annotation should link to the same video, but at the END of the three seconds of silence. 
  11. The "incorrect" annotations should link to your "WRONG" video.
  12. The wrong video should have an annotation at the end of it that links back to the instruction in the first video.
  13. Now blow us away with your videos!

Create a Student News Broadcast using Google+ Hangouts On Air


As I mentioned earlier, each week some friends and I get together to produce a YouTube show using Google+ Hangouts On Air called The Google Educast. Here's an example of the final product.

Now with a Google+ and YouTube account, students can create a news broadcast show for the world to watch. Here are some instructions on how to pull it off on your own. The instructions in this post may become outdated as the technology changes. I'll try to keep them current with crowdsourced help here. Please comment in the doc.

With Google Docs and Hangouts On Air, students can prepare, produce, and broadcast a news show quickly with little to no cost. Here are the steps.


  1. Develop segments for the broadcast. Sample segments include …
    1. Latest news
    2. Sports reports
    3. Upcoming events
    4. Study tips
    5. Teacher feature
    6. Student on the street
    7. Service spotlight
  2. Create a shared document and develop the segments assigning responsibility among the various reporters. Write up scripts if desired, or simply bullet points.
  3. Determine a regular time when this broadcast will “Go Live.”

Getting the Technology Ready and Promoting

  1. Name the show and determine what Google account will host the show. The account must have YouTube and Google+ enabled, so work with and admin to get that all set up. Ideally, an account is created specifically for this weekly show.
  2. Spread the word to the student body with short links to the Google Plus page that will host the show.
  3. Create a Google Plus Event, select that the event will be a Hang Out. Make the event public. Share the link to that event everywhere … Google Plus, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
  4. Each reporter will need a device that can run a hangout. Usually reporters at a desk will use a laptop, and reporters in the field will use mobile devices. Make sure you pay attention to light and sound. USB microphones are really great here. Watch out for being too backlit.


  1. One of the reporters (or the producer) needs to start the hangout.
  2. Go to the show’s YouTube account > Upload > Broadcast Hangout On Air
  3. Invite the other participants, but don’t yet begin broadcasting.
  4. Set up the lower thirds by using the Hangout Toolbox.
  5. The top of the hangout screen has an “embed” link. Click on that > Copy the YouTube link
  6. Go to the Google+ event page > Edit Details
  7. Paste the YouTube link in the YouTube box.
  8. Tell EVERYONE to go to the event page to watch the broadcast.

Go Live

  1. At the dedicated time, “start broadcast,” and wait for the countdown.
  2. Go through the show.
  3. Whoever “owns” the Hangout can override the automatic screen selection by clicking on the corresponding screen.
  4. When done, click “end broadcast”
  5. The broadcast will then be archived in YouTube and you can send that out after the show.
  6. Congratulations!

    k out  Niilo Alhovaara's Doc on Happy Hangouts.

20% Time in the Classroom: Resources for the Google Apps for Education Summit, Fairfax, VA

20% Time: A Small Audience is the New Big Audience

Inevitably, I have students who show up to my class on the first day of school telling me what they want to do for The Twenty Percent Project.
“I want to write a novel. I’ve always wanted to write a novel. I’ve tried several times to write a novel, but now I have the chance to do it for a class and I think I can do it. Can I write a novel?”
“Yes, a novel is a great Twenty Percent Project. Start thinking about who your audience is, so you can interview them before you begin writing.”
“I always wanted to build a website.”
“Good. What kind of website.”
“A website for teenagers.”
“Better. You know that audience better than I do, so you would be well suited for that. Is this a website for all teenagers?”
“A website for teenagers who want to raise chickens.”
“Yes. Run with it.” 
What’s so great about a website for teenagers who want to raise chickens is that it has a niche audience. Before the internet, media producers had to reach the broadest audience possible in order to make up production and distribution costs. 
I’ve seen reruns of Macgyver. Clearly those producers were reaching for the lowest common denominator.
Now with a $250 Chromebook and a connection to the internet, users can create books, websites, infographics, podcasts, and videocasts, and they can afford to appeal to a narrow audience with unusual interests.
Each Thursday evening, a group of friends and I get on our computers and meet for a Hangout OnAir using Google+ (actually it’s Friday morning for Chris who lives in Australia). We broadcast a video conference where we talk about what’s new with Google in education. Google [Google Educast] to find it. Anyone in the world can watch us live or download the broadcast to their devices to listen on their commute.
Most people don’t.
Most people aren’t interested at all in what’s happening with Google in Education. Most teachers aren’t interested in Google in Education. Most Google fanboys aren’t interested in Google in Education. But there is a small sliver of people around the world who are interested in both enough to want to watch or listen to us talk for an hour about their narrow interest. Few have served that small audience before.
Are we making money? No. But remember, money is not the motivating factor in these kinds of projects. We’re motivated by our autonomy. Our producer, Dan, gives us feedback and some direction, but for the most part, we decide how to run the show. We’re motivated by mastery. Each show seems to get better and better. Please don’t listen to my shows from 2012. Not only am I probably recommending Google Reader, which is now gone, but I am also probably stumbling over my shownotes. I still stumble, but not quite as much. We’re motivated by purpose--our audience. Each week a few hundred people hear our show, and we get questions and comments from them, which keep us going every week.
For more on this topic, read Chris Anderson's The Long Tail.

Your students’ audience is probably going to be very small for a very long time. You need to tell them that up front, and help them celebrate every audience member. The goal is not to reach a large audience. 

Go small, or go home.

Be a Modern Email User: Link, Don't Attach [updated]

Carl Hooker is right. Email should die. He’s also correct in his assessment that it’s not going anywhere any time soon. I celebrated the future demise of email the moment Google announced Wave. We know which platform triumphed there.

So, as long as our hate relationship love/hate relationship with email continues to survive, may I propose one little recommendation? Whenever possible, link, don’t attach.

Every time you attach a file to an email and then send it off multiple people, you’re actually making many different copies of that file. For example, when someone sends an image via attachment to our faculty and staff, they’re actually creating over 60 copies of that image and hosting them all on our email servers … not to mention each machine that downloads the image. If that user, instead, were to upload that image to a photo sharing site and then link to that image in the email, hundreds or thousands of megabits would be spared from servers and hard drives.


Rather than attaching images to an email, upload the image to Flickr or Google+, and then link to that image in the email. Both platforms allow users to upload photos so they may be shared with a link, but not searchable. A rock star photo of my animals may be found by clicking on this link: but it is not publicly searchable because I selected these settings in Flickr. Note that users who have access to my personal page CAN find this image. If you want an image to be completely unlisted and undiscoverable, use Google+.

This minimum security setting is about as secure as emailing a photo attachment without filling up recipients’ inbox quotas.


Even as an obsessive attachmophobe, I still find myself needing to attach screenshots for when I’m either documenting an error or a solution. Tech support geeks LOVE screenshots! Nine times out of ten, when I need to send someone a screenshot, I only need them to see it for a week or so, which is why the Chrome extension Awesome Screenshot is perfect for linking to, well, awesome screenshots. Once you install the extension, you’ll see a little lens icon in your Chrome bar that will allow you to capture and share screenshots easily. See this demo below.

[UPDATE] Awesome Screenshot does not work on secure https pages.


Of course, I’m going to recommend Google Drive documents as the best way to share documents over email, but let’s say you want to share a Word document or a PowerPoint presentation. My first solution would be to upload the document to Google Drive without converting it. Users can upload ANY file to Google Drive, and they can share those files in the same way they would any other Drive document. Simply upload the PPT file into drive without converting it, and then right click the file and share so that anyone with the link can view it. Then share that link in the email. Box and Dropbox also serve this function as well.

Reader challenge

Describe the scenario when it would be preferable to attach a file over linking to it. I’m sure there’s still some reason to attach a file, and I’m counting on you to reveal it.

20% Project Failure: Student Centered Learning

Over the past five years, I have spent a great deal of time shifting 20% of my class from being teacher-centered to student-centered. That was a fail.

I've written a fair amount about the 20% Project and why I believed that it was important to have class time when the teacher is off center stage while shifting emphasis on the students. This model energized and liberated many of my students, while it confused and terrified others. Either way, I was committed to establishing a project where students can take on challenges and solve problems any way they saw fit. As a result, my students are currently wrapping up some amazing projects.

The problem, though, is that a 20% Project should NOT be a student-centered project. It should be a human-centered project. OK, I don't really like the term human-centered either. Last I checked, most students and teachers at least resemble humans. I mean, what else would it be, pistachio-centered? I'm reminded of when writers begin a sentence with In life, or Throughout history, or In society. These modifiers are meaningless.

However human-centered is a specific term that comes from the design-thinking framework that Molly Wilson introduced to our entire school last week. For a solution to be human-centered, it must come from deliberate research on the individuals who will experience the solution. It involves building empathy on the user. I much prefer the term user-centered or audience-centered, but whatever you call it, I prefer the idea better than student-centered when applied to independent product-based learning assignments like the 20% Project.

A student-centered project is one that focuses on the creator's needs and desires, where an audience-centered or user-centered project focuses on the actual person who would use the project. Many of my students naturally intuited that their project should be audience-centered. Consider my students who decided to teach technology to senior citizens. Before they began solving all of the seniors' problems, the students took the time to see where individuals were in their expertise and assessed their goals for using technology. These students adapted beautifully while creating their session.

Next year during the 20% Project, I would like to see empathy be a more structured component of the project. After they identify what type of project they want to pursue, students will need to identify the audience or user base of the project. Then they must interview potential users and empathize with them to better understand how to solve the problem. According to Molly, this component of the design-thinking process is not only essential, it's also a ton of fun.

There is still a place for student-centered learning, just as there is still a place for teacher-centered learning. Perhaps the closer the learning goals are toward the bottom of Bloom's Taxonomy, the more the work should be teacher-centered. As activities work their way up, they should be student-centered, but the top should go beyond the student and center on a real authentic audience.

Many language prescriptivists object to the term centered around claiming that objects and ideas can be centered on something but not around something. I've made such obnoxious objections in the past, but perhaps classes should be centered around teachers, students, and humans.

Solve the Multiple Google+ Accounts Problem

If you’re like me, you have several random Google accounts, like so many perfectly functional but rarely used pants hanging in your digital closet. You could delete your account, but that probably feels too painful. I know I have several accounts I cannot get rid of because I use them at least once a week. These extra accounts aren’t really a problem, and switching among them all is easy. The problem with them now is when people start looking for you on Google+. How often have you searched a name and found three different profiles, all for the same person? How do you choose which one to circle? I would love for Google to find an elegant way to merge all of these profiles, but I can imagine how insanely complicated that would be with tons of privacy implications. So, until that gets sorted out, I have two recommendations for people who have multiple Google+ accounts.

1. Use only your personal profile. 

Sure, you have a different identity for the different accounts. One could be work, and one could be personal, but I recommend using the account you have most control over, which is probably your vanilla gmail account. If you want to keep your posts separated by personal and work, use circles. That’s what they’re made for.

Your work or school may want you to use the Apps account for Hangouts, which is fine, but it’s too onerous to actually maintain multiple Google+ posts, so you can keep the profile, but just use it for whatever is necessary.

2. Go the profiles of all the accounts you do not maintain and make this your profile image.

People will immediately get the message, circle the correct profile, and ignore the other one.

Alternate Option

Let’s say you really do want to maintain a second Google+ account for work or some other reason. A simple solution is to choose a profile picture that clearly identifies the profile as a work profile. Since I work at York, I might use this as my pic. 

Whatever you do, don’t make the world guess.


If you search for my name in Google+ you will find three profiles. One with my mugshot, one that says “out of service,” and one with a generic avatar. I know I own that third account, but I just can’t figure out which one it is. Any help would be appreciated.

5 Reasons Teachers Should Own a Domain Name

You found this blogpost, so you are probably (a) an educator and (b) relatively tech-savvy, so why don’t you own your own domain name yet? The world of domain name ownership has changed, so step up your teaching game and buy your own domain name.

1. Getting one is simple and cheap.

Purchasing a domain used to be difficult, but many new domain services make the process painless and inexpensive. The first place many people try is the sleazy Gender politics aside, the process of purchasing through godaddy takes about as long as an AP Chemistry test. There are several much simpler and more palatable services that sell domain names including My favorite is, which sells domain names for $15 per year and offers amazing phone tech support. They’re not paying me, but if they did happen to want to sponsor the Google Educast, I’m sure Dan would take your call! Hover is great because of its simplicity. I can setup a domain, and in a few minutes, I’m live. They don’t try to sell you a ton of other products through the process.

2. Owning one is super useful.

If you do nothing else, you should get your own domain name so you can create your own custom URL shortener. Teachers who use technology are constantly asking students and others to go to different links on the web to articles, resources, and (of course) shared Google Documents. I use many tools to get people to various links including Twitter, my LMS (Haiku), and my blog, but often the fastest for me and for students is when I just write a URL on the whiteboard or display it on the projector.

Most domain name hosts will allow you to create forwards that make for simple and memorable URLs. For example, I own (my distant relative refused to sell me When I wanted my students to go to Diana Hacker’s Writer’s Reference site, I just created a forward and sent my students to rather than

Easy for everyone.

3. isn't enough.

I’ve delivered years of trainings using for my agendas and resources, and I don’t think it’s very useful (by itself). The worst part of is that it produces a completely random string of characters that are actually difficult to type in a URL window and nearly impossible to memorize. Users also have to contend with the difference between O and 0 and l and I. Yes there are ways around this, but why must we deal with them? I’ve heard a horror story about a teacher accidently sending a student to a foreign porn site because she entered in a wrong character in the URL. Yikes.

4. But you can still use's cool tracking features.

Forward your custom URL forward through a URL to maintain those tracking features. Easy.

5. Plenty of great domains available.

In five minutes I found the following short, simple, memorable, and descriptive URLs available for $15 / year.
You don’t have to use .com address, but those might be slightly more memorable. I think it’s best to join two or three simple words without hyphens. It’s so much easier to read out your URL and end it with “one word,” and everyone will know what you mean.

What’s the best reason to own your own domain name? It feels awesome. It’s like marking your own little patch of grass on the internet where you tell the world, “That’s mine.”

How I Ate My Dog Food at TEDx Monterey

One of the several unpopular assignments I force upon my students is the Sophomore Speech. I am capitalizing Sophomore Speech because it has become a thing at our school … a proper thing. Every single one of my 10th grade students is required to write a personal essay and convert it into a speech to be delivered in front of the entire school during our assembly period we call Break.

The word speech has fallen out of fashion these days. It’s much cooler to give a talk than a speech, but talk doesn’t alliterate with sophomore. I guess I could have called them 10th Grade Talks, but as I said, the Sophomore Speech is a thing, so I’m going with it.

Of course, I don’t win many votes for Most Popular Teacher of the Year when I announce this assignment to my students. Most members of our species tend to avoid public speaking whenever possible, and you won’t be surprised to hear that some students consider this the waterboard of English assignments.

“Mr. Brookhouser, I really need to get out of this. I am about to throw up thinking about it.” I reassure students that we work up to the speech with baby steps, and I remind them that Mrs. Rees, the incredible 9th grade English teacher at York, has done an amazing job getting them ready. While I have seen tears shed as a result of this assignment, I’ve yet to see any vomit. I’m ready, though. Our bleach supply is ample.

I tell my students that I want them to be very powerful people. I don’t mean that they should all aspire to be CEOs or senators. I’m talking about influence, not status. I’m sure there are many people doing great things and making the world a better place without ever having to speak to groups of people. I’ve just never heard of them. Few people in power get out of public speaking. After my class is over, my students will have the choice to avoid ever having to speak in front of a large group again. I just don’t want them to reject that opportunity without knowing that they’re actually capable of doing it. When they embrace the opportunity, they embrace power.

It would also be great if they used that power for good and not evil.


Last time I was invited to the Googleplex, an engineer introduced me to the notion of “eating your own dog food.” Maybe the phrase came from Alpo advertisers who claimed that their product was so good that they enjoyed it themselves. Regardless, tech companies started using the phrase to suggest that either the software they were developing was good enough for them to use themselves or it was not, and if not, they shouldn’t make it at all.

When I give trainings, many people ask me about the security of data in Google Drive or Gmail. I tell them what Googlers tell me. Google employees are super concerned about their internal communications getting compromised. They use Google Drive. They use Gmail. They believe in their product. They eat their own dog food.

Teachers produce products too. We create lesson plans, assessments, and grades and comments at the end of the year, but the most important products we make are experiences that lead to growth.

Hearing about dog food at Google led me to ask how much of my dog food experiences I’m consuming. If speaking in front of large groups of people is such a worthwhile experience, why don’t I do it more frequently. It’s true that I do speak in front of my students daily, and I also give tech trainings to teachers throughout the year, but I wouldn’t call them speeches.

So last winter, I came across a post on the TEDx Monterey site accepting TED Talk proposals (note the alliteration in TED Talk). So I applied to talk about the 20% Project in my class.

A few weeks later I heard back from the organizers who wanted to learn more about the project, so we had a video conference over a Hangout. Bob and Eva, I learned soon after
meeting them, are ultra organized, super smart, and wildly creative. They asked me to explain what the 20% Project is and why I do it.

I was ready for this question. I went with great depth into the studies about creativity and motivation and Google and Daniel Pink and The Candle Problem and carrots and sticks and autonomy and mastery and purpose and science! After about 10 minutes of this, Eva cut me off. “Kevin, we all know about this stuff. We want to know why you decided to take on this project and how it looks in your classroom.”

“Oh. Right.” I was not ready for this question.

She wanted me to tell a story, not lecture on pedagogy. Eva asked me to do exactly what I ask my students when writing their personal speeches. Dog food.

I guess I explained my story well enough for Eva and Bob to give me a chance at writing a proper piece that people would actually want to hear because they let me move on to the next step.

So I wrote and rewrote. I devoured honest feedback from friends and colleagues. Through the process, I kept going into theory, and Eva kept reminding me to go back to story.

Then I practiced. In front of the mirror, in front of my dogs, in front of the homeless men on the streets of Santa Cruz.


With my microphone scotch taped to my ear and cheek, I was two eternal minutes away from taking the stage. My wife sat in the audience with students, parents of students, fellow teachers, and I was pretty sure I would stand up there and forget how to get my mouth and tongue to make so many different sounds. I wondered how much I would owe TEDx if vomit ruined the mic.

I paced the “green room” while Ailis Dooner, the 10th grader who has pretty much single-handedly discovered that algae can cure cancer, eyed me. She was scheduled to follow me and asked me how I was doing. “I’m a little nervous, but I think I’ll be ok,” I lied. She knew it. Then Ailis looked me in the eye, and with the fierce commitment of a prized gladiator owner, she said, “Adrenaline focuses the mind.”

I didn’t forget everything. My mouth worked. I showed my slides. People clapped.

I’m pretty sure I now have a little better understanding of what it’s like to be one of my students. I’m reminded about how scary this assignment can be, but I still don’t fully understand it. I’m a grown-up who has lots of experience talking in front of large groups of people, I don’t consider myself someone who is particularly afraid of the job, and I’ve never been told that some grade depended on my willingness to go through with it. But I feel more empathy for them, and I hope that will allow me to support them more next year.

It may not be the exact same vintage my students eat, but I ate my dog food this past weekend, and I’m proud to announce, it stayed down.

20% Project: Teaching a Generation to Use Facebook

For their 20% project, Jackie, Jessica, Julie, and Tori decided to work together to produce a curriculum to teach best Facebook practices to seniors at The Carmel Foundation.

"Having a super fun [time] teaching people to use Facebook at The Carmel Foundation --- at The Carmel Foundation"
After weeks of developing slides, resource materials, and an outline, the day came to take over the computer lab at TFC. Over a dozen eager participants showed up. The group covered topics such as creating a secure password, making sure private posts stay private, and maintaining general Facebook etiquette. They even taught me (a long-time Facebook trainer) about the "Only Me" feature in the status window. I'd never noticed it, but users can treat the Facebook timeline as a personal journal, but, as the students urge, "You can't forget to select 'Only Me' or your personal journal will go out to all your friends!"

The staff pleaded the girls to come back to give another session soon. Here's another example of students doing purposeful work for a real audience.

Superimpose a Mathematical Graph Over an Image

Last week one of our math teachers asked me about a tool that could graph an equation and then superimpose that graph over an image. I didn't know of one, but I did a little research using my newly minted Advanced Power Searching credential. Several searches and video tutorials later, I think I found a solution. Here's the video.

New 20% Project: Audrey's Concert to Support the Library

For her 20% Project, Audrey is planning a concert with a few of her friends to support a local library in need of books. The concert will be on Sunday, April 21, and admission is one new or lightly used book donation. This project is the result of innovative and creative thinking and a desire to serve a real audience. Great job, Audrey.